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HR and Workforce Management

Workforce is a B2B platform with a suite of workforce management products. Neuron was asked to redesign their 'Retain' product, which provides companies with tools to engage and better understand their hourly workforce at scale. The new design provides managers with a glanceable high-level view, while also making it easy to drill down to the problem areas within an organization based around a new smart alert logic.

Workforce UX UI Design Insights Dashboard Web.


Warehouse aisle
WorkStep UX UI Design Worker Persona driver
WorkStep UX UI Design Worker Persona manager supervisor
Worker with a hardhat in a warehouse

Product objectives

Users aren’t experienced in using analytics tools and are only logging into the platform once every week or two, so one of the overarching UX principles was simplicity.


The tool needed to translate a huge volume of complex survey data into a digestible and usable format without requiring the user to spend the time slicing the data by different dimensions just to understand it. Our goal was to understand what those takeaways should be, and serve them to the user as actionable insights.

WorkStep architecture arrow

Improved information architecture

Our first priority was to establish a global navigation for the product suite, as many customers subscribe to multiple products and previously there was no easy way to navigate between them. Additionally, we considered how to allow companies to apply their own branding in a white-label fashion.

After label
Workforce UX UI Design Architecture header - before
Workforce - UX UI Design Architecture menu - before
Workforce - UX UI Design Architecture solution
WorkStep UX UI Design Role Analytics Widget

Designing for a range of user types

When designing for a range of different user types, understanding what information is important for each level of user is key. Neuron brought that to the surface by displaying different levels of data for different users. For example, prioritizing the big picture for executives, while displaying a more detailed view for a data analyst.

Workforce UX UI Design Hiring Analytics Widget

We also designed a scalable UI framework that could be used for the full range of permission levels within a customer’s company, with 1, 2, or 3 hierarchical tiers.

WorkStep UX UI Design Location Analytics Widget

Designing for a range of customer maturities

Data for the platform comes from employee surveys over time and one challenge we faced was when there were low data levels due to the varying levels of customer maturities. To overcome the low-data and no-data states


Neuron provided new users with some value until their own data reached statistically significant levels (which could be 90 days in some cases). This included showing industry and company averages if available and a projected range of results when only partial data was available.

Workforce - UX UI Design Employee Retention Widget

Intelligently prioritizing the most critical feedback

Many customers are collecting survey responses from thousands of workers each month, which would be an overwhelming number of comments to sift through manually. The product uses AI to automatically flag comments that require attention by scanning for terms related to safety, harassment, discrimination, and more.

These alerts are pulled out from the pile for managers to triage. Managers can reply to an employee’s comment, assign it to the right team member to handle, and submit a description of how the issue was resolved.

Workforce UX UI Design Web Alerts Analytics
Workforce UX UI Design Mobile Survey Reporting

Engaging a workforce at scale

Delivered to the employees at key employment milestones and in their preferred language, personalized surveys collect structured, open, and anonymized feedback.

Our team reworked the survey experience end-to-end to be more mobile-friendly, reduce friction, encourage completion, and build trust.


Real-time feedback, insights, and suggestions

Managers are empowered to make informed decisions based on survey results by tracking the satisfaction of their workforce over time and identifying challenge areas before they impact the business.

WorkStep UX UI Design Alerts Widget
Workforce UX UI Design Web Dashboard - Retention and Engagement


By reimagining the design of the ‘Retain’ product, we were able to help automate customers' process of reporting employee retention, sentiment, and actionable indicators across locations and departments. Automating this enabled our client to scale nearly 400% in one year. Not only did it alleviate their team of the need to generate manual reports, but also provided their customers with insights in real-time.


Workforce UX UI Design Web Dashboard - Supervisor
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