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Medical device sales platform

AcuityMD is a purpose-built web application for medical device companies to drive product sales and provide unparalleled market insights. Their platform tackles the hard task of connecting external market data and product information with a device company’s internal sales data - resulting in up-to-date information on every sales opportunity in the medical device industry.

UI mockup of the Targeting feature of the platform

An embedded design team for strategic product growth

AcuityMD worked with Neuron on the second version of their product to deliver an improved experience while also implementing new and more robust features. Together, we focused in on helping medical device sales representatives to not just ‘close the sale’, but to build long-term relationships with the healthcare providers who use their products to care for patients.

Improved architecture for more focused and tactical lead targeting

When reviewing the existing product we found that it suffered from trying to allow users to do everything from one place. We solved this by organizing the top level navigation items around the stages of a Sales Rep’s sales funnel - discovering targets, converting and managing buyers, reporting on and measuring accounts. We reconsidered and restructured the way the data is presented to Reps based on relevance.


Label that reads "Before" with an arrow pointing to the old product UI
AcuityMD previous web app UI


Label that reads "After" with an arrow pointing to the newly design UI
Acuity MD's Newly Designed UI Featuring the Sales Targeting Screen

Enhanced profiles deliver comprehensive context to help reps close sooner

In an effort to display the most relevant information on the surface, we redesigned the healthcare provider profile based on primary vs. secondary features used by sales reps. The enhanced version of the profile we created pulls data from many sources to equip reps with the necessary context on a target to close sooner.

When targeting an opportunity, a sales rep may choose to target one healthcare professional at a time, or target multiple at a single site of care. Regardless of their method, a rep benefits from as much context as possible when targeting.

UI element with a physician profile card
UI element with a graph of a user's Sales History
UI element showing the product's Activity Log feature

Familiar UX conventions increase user speed and fluency

The new user interface borrows conventions from travel and e-commerce apps, as well as search engines for improved discoverability. We consolidated the many ways of filtering sales opportunites and dedicate the majority of the main interface to the primary task: finding and targeting the best HCPs to sell to.

Acuity UX UI Design web filtering before


Label that reads "Before" with an arrow pointing to the previous UI

Consolidated Filtering

Label that reads "After" with an arrow pointing to the newly designed UI
AcuityMD UX/UI Product Mockup Showing the Targeting Feature with a Map view
UI element showing the filters panel of the product
A mobile app UI mockup of the targeting feature in list view
AcuityMD Mobile App Mockup of the Sales Targeting Map View

Helping reps better plan their days in the field

A medical device sales representative spends a considerable amount of time traveling throughout their territory to meet potential customers and existing buyers.


As there are many different types of medical devices, meetings can vary from surgical procedures where the rep offers advice and guidance on correct usage, to client dinners or golf outings.

Before, AcuityMD Sales Reps recorded all notes related to these various interactions in their proverbial “little black book”.

AcuityMD Mobile App UI Mockup of a Physician Profile & Opportunity

Progressing targets down the funnel in real-time

On-the-go sales reps required a simple, utilitarian way to add notes and log activities surrounding a specific opportunity with a doctor or hospital.

This feature will often be used on mobile devices when a user is in between meetings or hastily jotting down their thoughts. This workflow had to be frictionless to encourage its adoption as a helpful tool, rather than simply a way for a manager to keep tabs on a Sales Rep’s day-to-day activity.

AcuityMD Mobile App UI Mockup of the Add New Activity Feature

Pipeline management customized for medical sales

An icon of a graph moving up to the right

User interviews and market competitive analysis made it clear that medical device sales representatives were in need of a way to see where leads were at various stages in the sales pipeline. Today, no CRM offers an experience tailored to their needs leaving them to manage this aspect of their job through manually updated spreadsheets, gut feelings, and a winning mentality.

Creation of the Pipeline features proved to be a distinct differentiator and a powerful new set of tools. Now, users can rely on the system to indicate which opportunities to focus on and where their time should be spent. It also identifies issues with existing accounts, such as a reduced sales volume over time, and how all of these factors contribute to their annual sales quota - all based on real procedural data instead of instincts.

AcuityMD Mockup showing the Pipeline Feature Screen
UI element showing the search functionality and predictive results

Previously the product had little search functionality, mostly confined to localized contexts or within single-attribute lists.


Working within engineering constraints we were able to design a system that allows users to search for healthcare professionals, sites of care, integrated delivery networks, and sales regions or territories, from the same location anywhere in the application.


Global Search

Increased discoverability of new sales opportunities

AcuityMD’s platform was focused around the workflow of discovering and targeting sales opportunities, however, the various ways of doing so were hidden and clumsy. Neuron helped to reimagine the concept and flows around Peer Networks to allow users to search for other leads based on the relationships they already have.

We also created a new feature - Education Affiliations - which allows users to browse potential targets based on their affiliation to, or with, educational programs occuring at teaching hospitals. Often, these educational programs are highly specialized such that participants may have high interest in specially designed medical devices.

A diagram showing how salespeople can find opportunities based on relationships to health care providers
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