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Flo plant pink flowers
Flo graphic of the ground



Women's health app

Flo is a reproductive health app for women with more than 36 million monthly users. They wanted a strategic design partner to help increase capacity and offer a new perspective on increasing the perceived value of their premium subscriptions. With retention in mind, Neuron worked with Flo’s product team to reimagine their reporting features, ultimately designing a dashboard that helps women understand and compare their cycle data quickly.

Flo UX UI Mobile App Cycle Comparison Graphs
Flo plant pink bushes
Flo UX UI Mobile App Women's Cycle Report
Flo plant black

Award-winning design 🏆

Our work with Flo has received two product design awards for its impact.

Titan Business Awards Winner Badge
DotComm Awards Winner Badge
Flo graphic donut
Flo graphic strawberry
Flo UX UI Mobile App Cycle Report screen
Flo UX UI Mobile App Cycle Report details screen
Flo UX UI Mobile App Cycle Report symptoms screen

Solving information architecture challenges

Flo’s existing Cycle Report feature sent users information about their cycle with a virtual assistant. In the early stages of our engagement we determined that the content was very valuable to users, but that the format and delivery could be improved. We replaced the existing virtual assistant chat experience with a dashboard to make the information more accessible and easier to digest.

User interview discoveries

Through user interviews, Neuron discovered that the language used was very clinical and overwhelming, so a key priority was to make it more user-friendly and visual. This meant a greater use of graphs and illustrations as opposed to heavy text and numbers.

Flo Graphic - User Interviews

Increasing user activity

Flo Health was losing users and sought to find a daily update to capture users' interest and encourage checking the app regularly. After brainstorming a daily forecast feature including horoscopes, the weather report and moon phases were developed.

Flo UX UI Mobile App Hormonoscope overview
Flo UX UI Mobile App Hormonoscope Weather Wellness
Flo UX UI Mobile App Hormonoscope Weather Forecast
Flo UX UI Mobile App Hormonoscope Moods

Discovery, research, and iterative design

In our research phase, Neuron met with a fertility doctor Lusine Aghajanova, MD, phD, FACOG, who helped to ensure that the app was less consumer-focused and instead more focused on the key medical takeaways.


This resulted in data relating to health taking prominence over other features, such as weather reports, horoscopes, and moon phases, as well as the birth of the single-page summary, which could be taken directly to a doctor.

Flo UX UI Mobile App BMI Popup
Flo UX UI Mobile App BMI
Flo UX UI Mobile App BMI Hide
Flo Arrow Screen to Screen
Flo Arrow Right
Flo UX UI Mobile App BMI Hide Confirmation

Monetizing advanced features

As part of our partnership, we were tasked with helping to monitize some of the app's most valuable features, particularly the Cycle Report. We were able to increase subscriptions to the paid version of Flo by focusing on improving the value that reports such as this provided, instead of relying on superficial conversion optimization methods.


We updated the design to make it easier to compare previous cycles and gain insights into how long a user's cycle typically lasts. For example, when a dot on the graph is tapped, an indication of how many days her cycle or period was during the associated cycle, appears above.

Flo plant black leaf
Flo plant black leaf
Flo UX UI Mobile App Widget Cycle History
Flo plant black leaf

Helping users make sense of data

The new Cycle Report provides a benchmark for users, so they can see how heir health data compares with all Flo users in their age group who log their period, cycle, symptoms, and activity in Flo.

Flo plant pink rose
Flo UX UI Mobile App Last Cycle Overview
Flo UX UI Mobile App Last Cycle Details
Pink flower with stem
Flo UX UI Mobile App Last Cycle Report long
Flo Graphic of Woman with an Idea
Flo UX UI Mobile App Last Cycle Report Symptom Patterns long

Getting more for free—mium

By drastically increasing the data and insights that users can access for free from their cycle report, users were able to better understand the value that the Flo app could provide. This piqued women's interest in learning even more about their cycle, and encouraged them to subscribe.

Flo graphic doctor
Flo UX UI Mobile App Last Cycle Report Symptoms long

Summarizing and visualizing data

Throughout the cycle report, we introduced graphs and chart so users could visually correlate how their reported symptoms relate to the phases of their cycle, by pulling out patterns found in the data. Insights like this help users predict and prepare for future symptoms with increased accuracy.

Providing actionable insights

Wherever possible, the user is made aware of what their data means, such as possible root issues behind patterns of symptoms and their timing.

Accelerating growth

Through Neuron’s adaptable and iterative design process FLO’s active users grew by 10 million, from 33 to 43 million. The client was so pleased with the outcome, that they came back to us as a strategic partner to work on their new app Women AI.

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